- School Fee and Transport charges is to be deposited in four quarters. (April-June, July-September, October-December and January-March).
- Transport charges are to be deposited for two months in Ist quarter i.e. April & May due to summer break and for Class X and XII only two months transport fees is to be deposited in last quarter i.e. January-February.
- The last date to deposit the fees is 25th of the first month of each quarter.
- Fine shall be levied, as decided by the school management.
- The school fees alongwith Transport charges (if availing) is to be deposited only by cheque drawn in favour of GOODLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL with the name and class of the ward mentioned at the back of the cheque.
- In case, the cheque is dishonoured, fee will be accepted at the school counter with prescribed bank charges
- The name of the ward may be struck off from the rolls of the school as per rule 35 read with 165 DSER, 1973, in case, the fees is not deposited by the schedule date.
- Re-admission will be purely at the discretion of the principal.